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FET Calendar

This week was extremely stressful as we had a quick change in protocol, that ended up being really exciting! This week I unexpectedly started cycle day 1 about two weeks sooner than we anticipated, and during this process that can really throw off the timing of a lot of procedures, hormone levels, etc. I immediately called my doctor, and she scheduled me for an ultrasound and bloodwork to determine where my hormones were leveling and see when we could proceed with hormone injections.

To my surprise everything looked really good! Our doctor said everything looked perfect, and that's when things really sprang into action! We received a large order of medication, received confirmation that our hormone injections had been shipped, and even got the date our transfer will take place!

We are able to start moving things much faster now which is all so exciting but also extremely overwhelming, seeing our Frozen Embryo Transfer Calendar made me slightly anxious since it's a lot to do each day.

We have started our first official “hormone” medication called Estradiol- aka Estrogen. I will take this twice a day all the way through 10 weeks of pregnancy, this will help my body prepare manually to increase my HCG as well as thicken my uterine lining for the best chances of implantation. There are already some significant changes to my body in the first few days of taking this! I am extremely nauseous, having a hard time sleeping (granted that might just be nerves and excitement), and lots of crying… like all the time LOL! Although the symptoms are slightly inconvenient, I would choose this everyday as confirmation things are going well. All of this means my body is responding as it needs to, hormones are changing, and we are one step closer to being united with our little ones.

We will start actual injections of progesterone in about a week and a half and at first I was really nervous about them, but the farther we advance in this process it seems like one of the less concerning steps! The progesterone shots will again help my body produce the right amount of hormones to support implantation and grow my uterine lining at a proper pace so it's perfect for transfer day. Right now it will only take place once a day, so it is very easy to navigate and I look forward to checking that first injection of my list of fears!

Now for the exciting part, if everything aligns and we respond well to all meds we will have our transfer day on Feb 11, 2022. That is only 2 and a half weeks away!! It is a little weird to know the exact time and date you will be pregnant, but it is so exciting to know we are so close to this new exciting part of our journey. I have already shed plenty of tears over the idea of these embryos having a home for the first time, feeling warmth and human touch for the very first time. My heart is very fragile over the idea that 1) they may not make it to thaw. 2) only legally being able to transfer 2 at a time, we may have to leave 1 behind for a little while. 3) we may not carry to term. The idea of losing any of these 3 little embryos hurts me in ways I hope no one has to feel, however I continue to tell myself that the entire goal of this process was not just for a family, we have that. It was to provide these children with a home, even for a short amount of time. Regardless of what happens they are loved, cherished, mourned over, prayed for, and their parents will do everything in their power to protect them.

Please keep us in your prayers through these next few weeks, especially for transfer day.

Soli Deo Gloria.


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