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My name is Kanyon, and our family is pursuing Snowflake Adoption!

From the beginning, my husband and I have known and struggled through infertility, but also have had the desire to adopt children!


Why do we want to adopt?

The reason we want to adopt isn't because it's something we necessarily "feel specially or extraordinarily called to". We want to adopt simply because we are Christians who have been adopted by God, and in His providence He has put us in a position where we are able to, with the means being support from those around us.


What will this adoption look like?

Lord willing, we’d like to adopt lots of children, but this first type of adoption we are pursuing is embryo adoption, sometimes called snowflake adoption.


Embryo adoption is when a couple adopts embryos that are "left over" after another couple has done In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IVF is a procedure, typically done by those struggling with infertility, where many of the mothers eggs are harvested and then fertilized in a petri dish. Often over a dozen children are created, which are then assigned a grade based on how healthy they appear. The lowest graded embryos are casually thrown into the trash. Of the embryos that “appeared healthy enough” for a good grade, typically only one or two are transferred to the mother’s uterus for a chance to implant and be carried through pregnancy. The rest are cryogenically frozen.


A few things can happen to the babies who were left frozen. They can either be used in a future IVF transfer, be donated for scientific research and experimentation (and then destruction), be donated for adoption, or be “discarded”. Others are left frozen indefinitely.

As best as we can tell, statistical estimates would indicate that there are well over 1,000,000 embryos, human beings who are made in the image of God, that are either abandoned in freezers or discarded through IVF each year. This should not be, we ought to love these neighbors as ourselves, no matter how small!


This blog is a space for me to write my raw and unfilted feelings throughout this process. Many feelings and words may change, while others only grow stronger, but our hope is to show that I am not alone in these feelings. And most importantly, our future children who are currently alive and frozen are worth these feelings. Join this emotional roller coaster of going through a Snowflake Adoption.

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