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9 Precious Months

I’m writing now for a handful of reasons: to reflect on in future transfers, to remember things when my memory fades, and to show to my children when they are older. This has become a diary (although infrequent) as I had new experiences and we go through life as a family with adopted children.

From my previous post, we discussed my early miscarriage, but we didn’t discuss the beautiful little baby I had the privilege to carry full term, my daughter!

When I say my daughter made it an absolute joy to be pregnant, I mean it! I had the best first trimester, never experiencing any sickness or fatigue. I had energy and was overall so joyful! We had gotten an early blood test to confirm gender, because we are extremely impatient and we found out in the privacy of our home that we were expecting a little baby girl. My husband and I had always dreamed of having a daughter first! I was raised with only sisters and so I knew the joy of having girls in the home, I was excited to relive that. My husband always wanted a daughter, and the joy he had was something I’m so proud I was able to be apart of.

We kept it to ourselves for a few weeks, until we announced to our friends and family, everyone overjoyed (especially because their had been a surplus of boys born in years prior, she was the first girl to be spoiled)!

I started eagerly planning a nursery, creating a name list, and collecting the cutest baby girl clothes. It was starting to become a reality for us as we approached the third trimester. Our baby was super healthy, super wiggly, and we had an insane amount of joy each and every day.

I was incredibly blessed by dear friends and my church family to give me the sweetest baby shower, we were spoiled to say the least! One thing extremely special to me, was my best friend was also pregnant with a daughter, and we were able to both carry our children together! This is something you see in movies and it was so fun to experience it together!

As we approached the end of the third trimester, things got more difficult. I was getting bigger, I was more tired, and my blood pressure began to rise. My doctor was starting to get concerned and we were approaching my due date, and induction was being discussed. I will go into more detail on my birth story in my next post but I was able to give birth to my beautiful daughter just 10 days from her due date. She gave me the best first pregnancy anyone could imagine and she has blessed us ever since!


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